It starts off with a shot zooming into a castle, mysterious figures in suits walk down the alley, one of them shouts "lights". A tunnel then opens, they set off to work and lift up a hatch, she then scans the liquid acid. She then pushes someone into the liquid by mistake, he then burns up in the water, they then walk down the alley and see the guy who has just died, he instructed them to make sure it was listed as an accident, then they cut to the acid where you see the mans face burn away.
Super massive black hole is playing throughout the TARDIS, Amy and Rory are playing darts and are arguing about the score, the doctor then asks if they want fish and chips. They then hit a solar tsunami, the TARDIS then goes out of control, and skids off to a planet which resembles and IS earth, the doctor then instructs them to assume crash landing position. They then exit the TARDIS, and you can hear Dusty Springfield playing. They then investigate a corrosive Acid. Rory then mentions his mother was a fan of Dusty, The doctor then investigates and sets of an alarm, they then go inside and see loads of apparent Almost people on test samples at the back. They then have 2 people come, they ask the doctor who he is. They then scans them for bugs, then he asks to see they're critical systems, and they seem to know which one he is talking about. It seems like the doctor was actually meant to come hear, they then tell them they are Flesh, a hidden thing made by the government, they then compare themselves to moss. The doctor then says the machine was sort of scanning him, and he cant control his hand, it seems to be touching the acid. Jennifer is then at some machinery, and she starts to create a dopple-ganger version of herself.
The Flesh then starts to form a body from the liquid, it is Jennifer, the alarm then sets off, the doctor then warns them to prepare for it, they ignore his warning, and he goes to check the status of the tsunami, the sky then fills up with yellow and orange flames. they then all stand witness and suddenly the gangers break free from the actual people, acid sprays everywhere, out of the popes, and the TARDIS suddenly starts to sink underground, and then the doctor is climbing up a tower, and is flung off it. It all suddenly turns dark, and Amy and Rory are on the floor, and then say "Owwww!". They then think they was unconscious for 1 hour. They then say the Gangers have apparently just turned into flesh, but the doctor then hears the records playing, the Gangers are free from they're host. The Storm seems to have separated them from they're lives, Jennifer then feels a bit funny, and says she needs the restroom, then leaves. It then cuts to rory in the bathroom, Jennifer suddenly spits part of her face off, and it for a second turns to a malformed face. Rory is then punched, and Jennifer comes through a hatch, he face appears to be attached to some sort of snake, and Rory leaves, it is then revealed that the Top boss is actually a Ganger, and cant be stable. She runs off and screams.
Rory is then investigating looking around the castle, he comes across some corrosive acid on the floor, Jennifer (Ganger) then shouts out for Rory, the doctor is then asked by Amy what he actually knows about the Flesh, and he says that he can fix it, and runs off. Amy then runs off on her own, in search for Rory, 2 more people go on search for there own ganger, when Rory suddenly comes across Jennifer in the Castle Gym. She says when she was a little girl, she was injured, and that she wishes she was a stronger Jennifer that would lead her home. She then states she noticed Rory's nice, kind eyes when they first came. She then slaps herself, and her skin becomes more human, and she asks Rory for help. The Doctor then goes back to the acid, and scans it, he then leaves to see the TARDIS, and it is stuck 90% underground, and the doctor has to take his shoes off as they get covered in Acid. All of the remaining Gangers (excluding Jennifer) then meet up in the central control room, and state they have the better advantage. Jennifer then kisses Rory, and says Amy is a lucky girl, then a mysterious figure in the shadows crepes out of the corner and runs away. Amy then goes in search for Rory and looks at the wall, and sees the Eye-Patch lady. The doctor then goes in search for the Gangers and he asks them to follow him, they do and they follow him to the others, then the boss of the investigation is annoyed with the doctor, and she is planning a plot against the Doctor.
The Gangers both talk to each other, comparing memories, talking together, and the doctor gets some new shoes, he then does a really bad Yorkshire accent, She then brings a weapon against them, 40 thousand volts weapons, and she wants to destroy them. Miranda (the head) then kills one of the Gangers, who the doctor then states they have hearts, and they all run away from them. Rory then dives and destroys the weapons. They then state it is only "Us and Them". Jennifer then states it is time to go to war, and Jennifer does out to kill the real version of herself, who is now hopping in the castles rooms, and a voice with a hand "Trust me", which is a clone version of the doctor, Jennifer is then shouted by Rory, Rory then runs off to get Jennifer, while the rest are inside the room, being hunted by Gangers. They then see the Clone of the Doctor. "Trust me, im the Doctor"