Warning, This Post Contains alot of Spoilers
0:01 - The Doctor (Area 51, Hobo Looking, and a camera man in the reflection?)
0:02 - The Doctor & Idris Looking over the Junk Yard planet.
0:04 - And old looking alley way with a person walking with a horse behind them.
0:06 - Matt Smith with fish/ice looking eyes (Make up also appears later on in the trailer too)
0:06 - Wierd looking Doll (Girl) From "House Call (TBC)" episode.
0:06 - The Blank faced Astronaut makes its same posed appearance.
0:08 - River Kissing the Doctor (In stormcage)
0:10 - The doctor talking saying something to amy, with her behind him in episode one clothes.
0:12 - The TARDIS ripping through (The new Vortex?) some sort of time corridor.
0:14 - The Doctor Looking out the TARDIS doors, (Same Shot as Teaser Trailer)
0:16 - Amy & Rory in the TARDIS, new clothes (Possibly to be episode 2/8)
0:17 - The Doctor In the TARDIS talking "Somewhere we've never been before"
0:18 - Shot of Bar where river was in "The Pandorica Opens"
0:19 - Ala Stetson Gets shot of the Doctors Head.
0:20 - 3 People in spacesuits (with only 3 fingers, looking like Sontaran Clones in Armour)
0:22 - The Doctor in a space Helmet with its Visor Missing.
0:23 - Amy, Rory and the Doctor in the TARDIS while it Explodes. (Episodes 2/8)
0:24 - River firring a gun, shooting around in the Make-shift TARDIS from "The Lodger", She appears to be shooting a silent behind the console.
0:25 - Side shot of the Pirate ship (Episode 3)
0:26 - Fish/Ice makeup on woman, same as it appeared on the Doctor earlier
0:26 - Capitan of Pirate Ship from (Episode 3)
0:26 - Another Shot of 2 Girl Dolls
0:28 - Cupboard opens, to see a house, little dolls house from episode "House Call"
0:29 - Little Boy From same episode looking at the wardrobe ("House Call" TBC)
0:30 - The Doctor in the TARDIS speaking to Someone about murdering the Timelords.
0:34 - The Doctor getting flung of some ladders attached to some machine.
0:35 - Amy & Rory being shot at by some mysterious hand.
0:36 - Scary looking dooll, resembles a smiler and Bob Righter.
0:36 - The doctor, a man, and Rory getting pulled away from something scary, (doll behind)
0:36 - Amy & Rory in the 10th Doctors TARDIS near a white light (face appears to resemble Omega in the bright light)
0:37 - The Doctor Looking through some sort of small magnifier.
0:38 - Clown Sat on bed in a 1970's style room (House Call TBC episode)
0:39 - Ghostly Spirit Holding a pirates hand (Episode 3)
0:41 - Rhino type Monster in Hotel room landing (House Call TBC episode)
0:42 - Shots from above of Utah.
0:43 - Amy Running, looking behind her, with something around her neck)
0:44 - The Doctor (with Rory behind him) shining his Sonic Screwdriver around a room.
0:45 - Little boy looking through the middle of His wardrobe.
0:46 - Amy turning around (Episode 1 clothes) with a gun, aiming too shoot.
0:47 - The Doctor telling her not too
0:48 - regretting it, and (possibly) shooting and looking in shock.
0:52 - Amy looking more shocked and scared.
0:53 - The Doctor looking shocked as he sees what Amy has done.
0:54 - End showing title card of Doctor Who.
I reblogged it on my blog (in polish):
Of course I gave links for your blog and that post and thank you very very much for that great job you've done. Thank you thank you.
I hope you're not angry about it.
Do you think that ice/fish Matt can be the Doctor's clone?
Possibly the Minotaur and the Clown are from episode 11?